ENGLISH C. - The third forensics and the briefs to the fourth forensics will be returned together, Wednesday, April 20, at 2 p. m., in Sever 35. The fourth forensic will be due in Sever 10, Wednesday, April 27, before 2 p. m. My consultation hours in the library will be this week on Thursday, from 3.30 to 5.
J. B. FLETCHER.'92 NINE. - The following men will be at the gymnasium, dressed, at 3.30 sharp: Codman, Rankin, Thorndike, Curtis, Brown, Stetson, Lake, DeWolf, Young and Pillsbury.
CRICKET. - The following men will meet at Bartlett's at 1.30 sharp, to take barge for Mystic: MacVeagh, Chew, Shope, Bates, Kaulbach, Hinckley, Skinner, Davis, Garrett, Meader, Hoag.
C. ST. C. SKINNER, Capt.'93 NINE. - The following men will be on Norton's Field, at 4 o'clock, to play Hopkinsons: Collamore, Sanborn, Winsor, Dinsmore, Gilmore, Conro, Manley, Dolan, Stubbs, Hoadley and Farqubar.
C. MERRIAM, Capt.HARVARD BANJO CLUB. - There will be an important business meeting of the club at 6.30 this evening, In 24 Hastings.
L. E. OSBORN, Sec.ALL men wishing to go to Providence, to see the Brown game, Saturday, will please sign the blue book at Leavitt & Pierces. If enough men sign, an excursion ticket will be sold.
ARTHUR P. STONE,Manager H. U. B. B. C.Appointments have been made at Pach Bros., for the following men who must sit this week: C. R. Cummings, E. B. Dane, G. F. Dow, M. H. Ewer, C. M. Faunce, H. B Goodrich, T. H. Gould, W. H. Gratwick, Jr., L. Hall 2d, N. C. Hamblin, W. A. Hamilton, G. R. Hardic, H. J. Harnly, R. W. Harwood, J. T. Heard, Jr., W. R. Hendy, A. S. Hershey, J. N. Kerlin.
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Pierian-Glee Club Concert.