

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

The students of Princeton have made arrangements with an excursion company of Chicago, by which they have secured reduced rates to and from the Columbian Exposition, and also convenient quarters near the grounds where they can stay as long as they choose. The excursion company agrees to furnish special cars from New York or Princeton; seven days board and lodging, in a building to be called "Princeton Hotel," six days' admission to the Fair, and return passage, for the moderate sum of forty-four dollars.

There is no reason why a plan which has such obvious advantages as the one adopted by Princeton, should not be equally desirable at Harvard, and unless some such plan is carried out, men who desire to go, but cannot afford to pay regular rates, will have to be content with dreaming and longing. There is no need of this if some businesslike student will begin immediately to agitate the question of excursions from Harvard to Chicago. In such excursions there is the obvious advantage of the added interest and pleasure arising from the company of men of kindred views and kindred sympathies. This fact alone makes such a scheme attractive from the start. The one thing necessary is a leading spirit; if we can find such a one there will be no lack of enthusiastic followers. Here, then, is a chance for some man who has time to give to it and who needs what money he can get out of it, to take the initial step in an important student movement. With one or two rough suggestions, the matter may be left to that leading spirit whoever he may be. These excursions might take place in the spring recess or at the beginning of the summer vacation next year, trains to be started immediately at the close of the term. The subject can very easily be brought to the attention of excursion companies, and a skilful handling of their proposals must result in offers of very low rates. If some move is taken thus early those details which generally make the near approach of an event the signal for trouble and confusion, may be settled gradually and a comparatively easy path opened for those in charge.


