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And in regard to enthusiasm at the games, a word might be said about a just distribution of applause. On this point we know we have the concurrence of some of the men most interested in base ball. From a standpoint of justice as well as of courtesy, the college ought to extend as warm a welcome as possible to the visiting teams and applaud their good plays. This is the only gentlemanly way in which to enter into sport, and it is a custom which should prevail as if by instinct in every branch of Harvard athletics. In the past, there has been lurking an unfortunate tendency to look upon opposing teams as enemies, who should be downed by any fair means, and whose good points had absolutely no claim for recognition from Harvard men. Anyone with an instant's reflection will see what a misconceived, unsportsmanlike line of action this is. There is a generous, manly enough element in college to treat the visiting teams with courtesy, and make them feel as if they had come not among mortal enemies, but among appreciative friends.
