
Harvard Union.

The subject of the debate last evening, in Sever 11, was: Resolved, That David B. Hill should be nominated by the Democratic Party for President. M. A. Bartlett, '93, and S. M. Brice, '93, being absent, A. J. B. Mellish, '92, and H. A. Bull, '95, were appointed as principal disputants on the affirmative. As both affirmative speakers had to speak extemporaneously, L. Hall, '92, opened the debate for the negative. He stated that the country could not get Mr. Hill's views on the questions before the public, and devoted a good deal of time to detailing Hill's conduct in the Duchess Country senatorial election case.

H. A. Bull, '95, stated that parties tried to win elections, to secure the enactment of measures, and should nominate the strongest candidates, in order to carry the election. Hill only is sure to carry New York. He held the offices of senator and governor at the same time, for the good of his party, at the risk of drawing personal criticism upon himself,

C. Vrooman, Sp., followed for the negative. He referred at length to Hill's connection with Tammany, and the record of that organization. He said that Hill's election would be setting a bad example to those who only god is success, as they would be led to follow Hill's corrupt methods.

A. J. B. Mellish '92 closed the debate on affirmative. He spoke of the fact that General Grant, when he was the idol of the people, could not secure a nomination for a third term and asked why Grover Cleveland should get one. He said that if the people wanted free coinage, they should have it, but Grover Cleveland had promised to veto any free siver bills. Do the people want a man who will veto their wishes?

A vote on the merits of the debate as conducted by the principal disputants resulted in favor of the affirmative. The subject for the next debate will be, "Resolved, That the President should be elected by popular vote. The debate was thrown open to the house and the affirmative were M. A. Bartlett '93, F. W. Dallinger '93, J. M. Perkins '92, A. P. Stone '93, W. E. Clark, L. S. S. The negative speakers were, J. S. Brown '92, J. H. Crowley '93, F. N. Clapp '95, L. Brooks, L. S., and F. C. Thwarts '94.

