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In another column there is a call from the Cycling Association, for candidates for the bicycle team. The association deserves rather more support than has so far been given it. For the past year or two the association has been laboring under a large debt, which it has finally paid off. At first its meets did not pay for themselves, but the club made up the deficit by raising subscriptions, and has now succeeded in making its meets profitable. This has meant a struggle to arouse in the college a large interest in cycling, which has resulted thus far successfully. The work of the association has certainly shown itself in athletic meetings, as well as in the growth of general interest in cycling. In the Mott Haven games, last spring, it will be remembered, Harvard secured all three places in the bicycle race, and the same was true in the games with Yale. Besides this, the association has had a whole-some influence, in extending by means of its hare and hound runs and road races, a more general interest in cycling through the college. It is hoped that the number of men to take advantage of the meeting this evening, will be large.
