
Fact and Rumor.

A foot ball squad has been formed at Cornell.

Michigan University's new athletic field will be ready for use in about three weeks.

The Columbia College observatory has been presented with a valuable collection of astronomical photographs.

University of Pennsylvania defeated Yale, Saturday, at base ball, by a score of 6 to 2.

At the B. A. A. games, Saturday, G. L. Batchelder, '92, won the 600 yards run, in 1 minute, 21 1-5 seconds, from the 3 yard mark.


Seven Colleges and Universities now publish daily papers. They are Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Michigan, Cornell and University of Wisconsin.

The youngest college President in the country is T. A. Turner of Lincoln University. He is twenty-nine years old and is filling his position the third year.

The University of Michigan nine will take a western trip also, so a comparison can be made of the strength of the eastern and western college nines.

The money received from the Easter trip of the Amherst Glee and Banjo clubs will be used to establish a choir of music at Amherst.

University of Pennsylvania has students enrolled from every state and territory in the Union, and from twenty-eight foreign countries.

Dr. W. L. Phelps of the English department, has nearly completed a book on "The Beginnings of the English Romantic Movement," which will be published in the fall.

The estate of the late Abraham Coles, L L.D., has presented Princeton College Library with an edition, de luxe, of his works, and also a handsomely framed carbon photograph of the Apollo Belvidere.

An important change has been announced in the elective courses at Columbia, especially in those of Junior year. At present Juniors are allowed to elect only four hours work, but hereafter only four hours will be required.

The Stonehams, a team having six Harvard men among its players, will play the Browns, at Providence, on Wednesday. The battery for the Stonehams will probably be A. A. Highlands and Clark, and for Brown, Sexton and Tenney. Last season, these teams played a tie game, score, 3 to 3.

According to the recently published Year Book of the Universities of the World, by Dr. Kukula, there are now 147 universities on the globe. In attendance the Paris University leads all the rest with 9,115 students, followed by Vienna with 6,220 and Berlin 5,527.

The Brown Athletic Team has been doing great work during the past week, and things look better than ever before. The hammer men are throwing farther than the record, while a new man has entered who can do the running high jump over the record. The runners are in fine trim, while all the other men are doing very well.
