CRIMSON NOTICE. - There will be a meeting of the board, tonight, at 6.45. Very important.
CRICKET CLUB. - Any member of the University can join the Cricket Club, by signing the blue book at Thurston's, and paying $3.50, which includes shingle and season ticket, or by writing to me or calling upon me at my room. Shingles will be left at Thurston's, a few days after book is signed.
C. T. R. BATES,Manager Cricket Eleven,2 Holyoke House.
VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal this evening, at 7 o'clock.
B. WELLS, Sec.The photograph of the CLASS DAY OFFICERS will be taken at Pach's, Tuesday, at 1 p.m. The photographs will be taken in dress suits, and caps and gowns; wear cap and gown outside dress suits. Every man must be present.
'92 PHOTO. COM.HARVARD REPUBLICAN CLUB. - There will be a meeting in Sanders' Theatre, Friday, April 22d, at 7.45. Senator J. R. Hawley of Connecticut, introduced by Ex-Gov. John D. Long, will speak upon the tariff. All are invited to attend.
CRICKET PRACTICE. - All candidates for the cricket eleven will be on Holmes' Field, at 2 today, for practice.
C. ST. C. SKINNER.ENGLISH C. - I shall be at the library for consultation, on Tuesday, April 19, from 3.30 to 5 p.m., instead of on Monday.
HORACE A. DAVIS.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsal Tuesday, at 7. Smoker.
All candidates for the '92 nine, will be on Norton's Field, at 4 p.m.
'93 NINE - The following men will be on Norton's Field, at 4 o'clock: Collamore, Sanborn, Winsor, Marshall, Dinsmore, Gilmore, Conro, Dolan, MacLaughlin, Farquhar, Ingalls, Dodge, Martin, Hoadley and Farwell.
C. MERRIAM, Capt.Sophomore Theatricals. - Everybody must be at rehearsal at 7 sharp.
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