

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. - Regular shoot today, from one till five. The Caswell cup will be shot for, and matches will be begun. Every member of the university is invited to shoot.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal at 4.30 o'clock.

ALL candidates for the '92 nine must be on Norton's Field at 3.30 p. m. sharp.

E. WRENN, Capt.THE GRADUATE CLUB. - It has been found necessary to arrange for holding this month's meeting on April 29th, instead of on April 22, the regular date.

HENRY B. WARD, Secretary.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsal at 7. Important.


To prevent any misunderstanding about the price of cabinet photographs to the present senior class, we would announce that the first dozen will cost $3. and every dozen after that, $2.

'92 PHOTO. COM.CLASS DAY OFFICERS may obtain their caps and gowns at the store of the Co-operative Society, today.

