
Vesper Service.

The last Vesper Service for the year was held at Appleton Chapel yesterday afternoon. Dr. Everett took his text from the fourth chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. He said: It is interesting to see the attitude of the great men of the world when the lens is turned upon them. In this instance, we see Paul interested in doing good for the world, wholly unconscious of himself; on the other hand, the two women whom Paul mentions, were thinking only of themselves, were given up to selfishness. Paul and these women illustrate two kinds of lives which are open to us. We can devote ourselves to the good of our country and of our fellow men or we can think only of ourselves and lead lives of selfishness. There never was a better chance than there is today of choosing the unselfish life. We have the example of Christ before us; let us try to get into our lives a little of His divine life. May the lens, which always sees us as we are, find us following Paul in unselfish christian lives.

The choir sang the following anthems: "When God of Old" - Hall. "O Great Jehovah" - Mozart. "Trust in the Lord" - Handel. Soloist, Mr. D. M. Babcock, class of '77.
