WINTER MEETINGS. - Entries for first Winter Meeting of the H. A. A. will close Thursday, March 10, at 10 p. m.
R. B. BEALS, 23 Weld.HARVARD TENNIS LEAGUE. - All tennis players who desire to be considered as candidates for either of the two tennis leagues will send their names to W. D. Orcutt, 32 Matthews, immediately.
COMMITTEE.THE next regular meeting of the Signet will be at the house of Prof. Hart, 15 Appian Way, Friday, March 11th. A full attendance is requested.
President.HARVARD MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsals will be held Tuesdays and Fridays at 6.30 until further notice. Every one must come to the rehearsal Tuesday, March 8. Concert Thursday.
2t.H. A. A. - No member of the University can be admitted to the Winter Meetings unless he is a member of the H. A. A. Secretary's office hours, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11 to 12; or join at Thurston's.
R. B. BEALS, Sec.,
23 Weld.
NEARLY all the senior class have sat for their photographs. Will the rest please sit at once.
'92 PHOTO COM.ON Wednesday the lists of photographs for the class of '92 will be distributed. Each senior is furnished with two lists; one to file as his order with Pach. Bros. and the other to duplicate for his own use.
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