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The large audience which filled Sever 11 last evening showed the interest which the college took not only in the subject of the conference but in the speaker himself. The conference was one which would have been of interest to all who could have listened to it. Those who went thinking to hear a party speech came away impressed with the unpartisan stand which Mr. Lodge took. The way in which he treated the subject was probably a surprise to many. With the strict impartiality of a scholar who looks at a subject from the point of view of science and truth, Mr. Lodge reviewed historically and otherwise the benefits of partisanship and those of independence in politics. The whole speech was marked by a coolness and deliberation which was more than the product of a mere party man, and which brought out the characteristics of a highly educated scholar. By their warm reception last evening the college showed their appreciation of Mr. Lodge's ability and of his kindness in coming all the way from Washington to speak to them.
