
Fact and Rumor.

Walter Hastings 28 is to let.

J. P. Lee '91 was in town yesterday.

Williams College has a course of lectures on Hypnotism.

About $1,000 have so far been pledged for the freshman crew.

A new paper has appeared at Columbia called Irving Magazine.


The Yale winter meetings will take place March 26th and April 6th.

There are thirty candidates for the base ball nine at Boston University.

A class base ball league similar to the one here is to be formed at Yale.

The Yale freshman crew goes to the training table in about two weeks.

The Pennsylvanian has taken charge of the Co-operative Society at the Univ. of Penn.

Hermance has been elected temporary captain of the freshman crew at the University of Penn.

T. Dyer who played on the Yale freshman eleven, has been appointed captain of the freshman nine.

The Glee Club will sing for the Social Union next Thursday and for the Boston Art Club next Saturday.

There are forty-five candidates for the Shattuck, and thirty-eight for the Halcyon crews at St. Paul's School.

There will be a written exercise sometime this week in History 1 on the ground covered since the mid-years.

There will be an hour examination in History 9, (on the period of Henry II), shortly before the spring vacation.

At a recent meeting in New York, Princeton and Columbia have arranged for games on May 14th on Manhattan Field.

David Starr Jordan, president of Leland Stanford University, worked his way through Cornell and now receives $15,000 per year.

The junior class at Princeton have decided to continue the custom started by the present senior class of wearing caps and gowns.
