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A gold foot ball is to be presented to each member of the graduating class of Trinity who has played more than one year on the 'varsity team.

The preliminary commencement appointments to the senior class of Williams College were made recently. 82 1-2 percent was necessary for the appointments.

An exercise in Eng. A. is due on next Friday on circumstantial description of some passage of any English author. The passage on page 284 of the rhetoric has advised.

There will be no recitation this Monday morning in Latin C, but instead Dr. Howard will lecture at 3.30 in Harvard 1 on "Roman Music." The attendance of Latin B and C men is required.

Amherst has appointed men from each class from 1870 to 1891 to canvass their classes for the new gymnasium.


C. J. Shearn of Cornell has been given full power to choose a course for the Intercollegiate Rowing Association regatta.

"Tommy" Coneff, the champion distance runner of the Manhattan Athletic Club, has definitely decided not to become a professional runner.
