
University Athletic Club Elections.

At the last meeting of the council of the University Athletic Club of New York, it was decided to lease the Raquet Court building at Twenty - sixth St. and Sixth Ave. as a club house for a term of five years. Committees have been appointed to make the needed improvements and it is expected the house will be ready for occupancy by the end of this month.

The club will be governed by the council, which will be divided into three classes, with terms expiring in 1893, 1894 and 1895, as follows: 1893 - Cullin Armstrong, of Amherst; Robert C. Cornell, of Columbia; Oliver G. Jennings, of Yale; C . F. Mathewson, of Dartmouth; William Stuart Tod, of Princeton; Henry S. Vandusen, of Harvard, and Evert Jansen Wendell, of Harvard. Those whose term expires in 1894 are Wendell Baker, of Harvard; Cornelius C. Cuyler, of Princeton; William H. L. Lee, of Yale; George Richards, of Columbia; William W. Studdy, of Yale, and Richard Trimble, of Harvard. Those whose term expires in 1894 are George A. Adee, of Yale; Edward D. Appleton, of Trinity; Henry W. Barker, of Williams; Henry Stanford Brooks, of Yale; George Walton Greene, of Harvard; Tracy H. Hains, "of Princeton, and Edward S. Rapallo, of Columbia. The election of officers resulted as follows: George A. Adee, president; Robert C. Cornell, vice - president; William S. Tod, treasurer, and Evert Jansen Wendell, secretary.
