
Fact and Rumor.

Holyoke 35 is not to rent.

Sanford, Yale '94, has been taken to the 'varsity crew training table.

Donnell '93, has been appointed manager of the Columbia freshman crew.

The University of Pennsylvania has lately received gifts amounting to $23,00 .

Entries for the first meeting of the H. A. A. close Thursday, March 10, at 10 p. m.


J. M. Goetchius, Yale S. '94, has been elected temporary captain of the freshman crew.

The number of candidates for the Yale Mott Haven team will be cut down at the end of the term.

President White of Cornell is mentioned as the successor of Hon. Whitelay Reid as Minister to France.

According to Chauncey M. Depew a college education adds 300 per cent. to a man's productive powers.

Cornell has two eights in training for the freshman race. The average weight of the men is 160 pounds.

The second indoor handicap athletic meeting will be given by the Worcester Athletic Club next Thursday.

The natatorium, which will be built on the new memorial field at Princeton, will have a swimming tank 30 x 60 feet.

John Poe, half - back on the Princeton eleven, left college Wednesday. It is doubtful whether he will return.

Each member of the Yale foot ball team received a silver match box at the banquet tendered to Walter Camp.

Several of the champion American cyclists will compete at the Madison Square Garden races Saturday evening.
