

Owing to the inclement weather there was an unusually small attendance at the Chapel yesterday and Rev. Edward Everett Hale gave an informal talk on temptations. The great secret of successful resistance of temptation is immediate resistance. Christ did not hesitate but said at once: "Get thee behind Me Satan." The accounts of Christ's temptations are often thrust in the back-ground, yet men are tempted in the same way today. The temptation of the Pope to plunge nations into war that he may regain his temporal power resembles the temptation on the mountain; the temptation of business men to combine and raise the price of grain is the temptation to turn stones into bread. Christ is ever willing to forgive sin so long as we make honest efforts to resist temptation. This willingness is seen in the Lord's Prayer and in His saying: "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

The singing was much enjoyed, the old piece of Croft's being especially good. The anthems sung were: "The Radiant Morn has passed away." - Woodward; Solo, "Jesus Lover of My Soul." - Tours; "Whither Shall I Go." - Croft. Soloist, Mr. E. F. Webber, of Temple quartet.
