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We publish in another column an announcement of a social to be given this evening under the auspices of the St. Paul's Society. It is gratifying to note the deep interest that a few of the present members of the Society are taking in its welfare. The fundamental reason for the establishment and maintenance of such a society is, as every one knows, the bringing together of men who have been brought under Episcopal influences and ideas. For some years the small attendance and the apparent indifference of Episcopalians toward this work which every professing Churchman should encourage, has been the subject of much comment and even ridicule. This year, however, there are evidences of a renewed interest in a few of the more prominent leaders. The attendance is not so much a sign of this as the sincerity of those who are most actively engaged. The plan of bringing men together by means of social entertainments is a new one and has met with success thus far. Its value lies in getting men better acquainted with each other, at the same time in instilling into their minds a willingness and desire to do some active work. At these social gatherings there are addresses by prominent men on subjects which are of interest to every one. One cannot expect to see the society shake off at once the stupor into which it unfortunately fell, but we do think that sufficient energy on the part of the few has been shown to encourage them in their efforts and to ask all Episcopalians in college generously to tend their aid.
