The annual dinner of the junior class will be held at the Revere House this evening at 6.45. As this dinner is the first chance for members of a class to come together in a social and fraternal way, - as it is the first opportunity for class-mates to meet on a man-to-man basis, it is sure to be largely attended. The president of the class, B. W. Trafford will preside and the following are the officers of the dinner: Toastmaster, J. A. Wilder; chorister, F. S. Converse; poet, S. F. Batchelder; orator, G. K. Bell. There will be a number of songs by the glee-club men of the class, and toasts will be responded to by the following men: G. H. Kelton, L. A. Frothingham, J. D. Upton, C. R. Bardeen, S. E. Marvin, A. P. Stone, S. M. Brice, G. E. Burgess, F. S. Converse, J. H. Parker and W. C. Nichols.
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Senior Class Notice.