
Yale Base Ball Schedule.

The following games have been arranged by the Yale Base Ball Association for this Spring:

April 5, Boston League team, at New Haven.

April 6, Boston League team at New Haven.

April 7, Boston League team, at Boston.

April 9, New York League team, at New York.


April 12, Williams College, at New Haven.

April 13, Manhattan A. C., at New York.

April 14, Fordham College, at Fordham.

April 15, New Jersey A. C., at Bergen Point.

April 18, University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia.

April 20, Staten Island A. C., at Staten Island.

April 23, New Jersey A. C., at New Haven.

April 25, Staten Island A. C., at New Haven.

April 27, Englewood Field Club, at New Haven.

April 30, Williams College, at Williams-town.
