
Special Notice.

HISTORY 1 Tutoring.

C. E. WHITMORE, JR.,51 College House.ROOM mate wanted for next year in one of the best rooms in Hastings. Address X, care C. H. Thurston.

29-4t.WANTED. - An energetic man to do some book canvassing. Excellent pay. Address A. B. C., Crimson office.

FOR SALE. - An upright Opera Piano, (Peeke & Son) of warranted workmanship. Price $100. Apply at 32 Gray's Hall.

2tFOR SALE. - Four Corker spaniel bitch pups, sired by Nick, and out of Polly H., both of Obo stock, which is the best. Price, $5 each. Must be sold. Apply at 16 Holyoke street.


