
Harvard Union.

The Union has voted to hold weekly meetings instead of bi-weekly as heretofore. The extra meetings, which alternate with the regular ones, consist in informal debates on subjects to be announced by the president at the opening of each meeting. There will be no principal disputants, but the debate will be open to the floor for five-minute speeches. This action has been taken in order to afford a better opportunity to those who desire to practice speaking. There is a feeling at present that the regular debates are too formal; and besides many men do not care to spend the whole evening at the Union nor can they take time to prepare themselves beforehand. For this reason the principal disputants are done away with and the subject is not announced beforehand, so that all present are on an equal footing.

The first meeting of the kind takes place tonight in Sever 11 at 7.30. It will be a prize debate, competition being open to those who have never before taken prizes. Three graduates have been appointed to act as judges. The subject will be one of popular interest. It is hoped that a large number of men will take advantage of these meetings.
