
Princeton's Nine at the Training Table.

The Princeton base ball candidates went to training table yesterday. This table is in the new athletic club house, just completed, which is the gift of Professor Osborn. The entrance opens into a large hall to be used as a trophy room, wainscotted to a height of 6 1-2 feet with oak panels. The dining rooms, which extend the width of the building, open from the trophy rooms by arch doorways. The one on the right, intended for the use of the 'varsity, contains a tablet bearing the inscription: "1891," Presented to Princeton University by Henry F. Osborn, class of '77." The other dining room contains no fireplace, but is in other respects the counterpart of the first. On the second floor are two bedrooms for the use of the trainers and coachers, and over the trophy room is a council and general committee room. This floor also contains baths and a lavatory.
