
Harvard-Yale Debate.

Every effort is being made at Yale to make the joint debate on Friday a thorough success. The arrangements are more elaborate than those for the first debate here in Cambridge. The first thing of note will be the afternoon reception, but the chief attraction will be a banquet immediately after the debate. Chauncy M. Depew will act as toastmaster and about twenty Harvard men have been invited to be present. Professor Taussig will reply to the toast on the Harvard Faculty and S. M. Brice '93 will look after the toast to the Harvard Union.

Since the last debate the prominent men of Yale have taken a more active interest in the Union and as a result Yale will be represented by a more able set of speakers than at the first meeting, W. A. McQuaid, a senior in the Law School, will be the first speaker for Yale. He holds a high reputation at Yale as debater and is considered their ablest man.

Thornwell Mullaley, the second speaker, is one of the most popular men in his class, and has worked his own way through college up to the position he now holds. He is senior editor of the Yale Literary Monthly and a member of the Scroll and Key.

To choose the third man the Yale Union held a competitive debate. The first prize was the honor of being one of the three disputants, and for second and third places, money prizes were offered. J. I. Chamberlain '94 was the successful one from about twenty of Yale's best debaters.

The Harvard representatives, J. S. Brown '92, F. W. Dallinger '93, and E. H. Warren '95 will leave for New Haven Thursday afternoon. The rest of the Harvard men will not leave until Friday morning. Mr. Depew will preside at the debate in the evening, as well as at the banquet which will immediately follow it.

