The annual catalogue of Amherst College is just issued, and it shows a number of important changes in the course of studies. The number of students is: Seniors 84, juniors 91, sophomores 70, freshmen 85, graduate students 6; total 336. Professors A. L. Kimball, G. D. Olds, Rev. H. G. Gardiner and E. A. Grosvenor are added to the list of professors and instructors.
For admission to the course leading to the A. B. degree the absolute requirement of German or French is dropped, but students are advised to offer themselves for examination upon one or both and receive credit for advanced work. The required work in Latin, Greek and Mathematics is decreased, but the student must select either French or German. During the second and third terms of the freshman year an elementary course is required in rhetoric and English composition. The electives for sophomore, junior and senior years are increased in number and the course in rhetoric, English literature, oratory and public speaking is made continuous.
Four years is the time in which the new Scientific course proposes to give a good education, where the leading place shall be given to natural science and the modern languages. Students are admitted to this course without Greek and without Latin, if they can offer a good year's work in French and German Latin is provided in maximum and minimum amounts, the maximum being required if the student takes up the study after entrance. Two years of German are required in the scientific department, and the student must be able to read French. The student must choose during the year two courses in mathematics and natural sciences. But the choice offered is generally wide. Literature, philosophy and political ethics may also be taken by scientific students.
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