
The Paine Prizes.

The announcement has been posted in University of the Paine Prizes which were offered for the first time last year. Two prizes of $100 each are offered by Hon. Robert Treat Paine for the best essay by any student of the University on the ethical aspect of modern social questions. One prize will be awarded for the best original investigation of some form of charity-work with practical conclusions drawn therefrom. The other prize will be awarded for the best original investigation of some special phase of the Labor Question with practical conclusions drawn therefrom.

It is the intention of the founder to encourage original research into the present social conditions.

The following subjects are suggested but not prescribed:

A Charity Monograph: - a biography of a characteristic pauper family.

A Labor Monograph: - the recent history (five years) of a street railway employees' union.


The Housing of the Working Classes.

Factory Legislation in the United States.

Involuntary Idleness: - extent, industrial and social causes, remedies.

The essays must be deposited with the Dean of Harvard College on or before Commencement, 1892. On the title page must be written an assumed name and a statement of the writer's standing, i. e. whether he is a graduate or undergraduate; if an undergraduate, to what class he belongs and to what department of the University. Under cover with the essay must be sent a sealed letter containing the true name of the writer and superscribed with his assumed name. Either prize may be withheld if no competitor appears to deserve it.
