
Fact and Rumor.

Amherst will choose one new trustee on April 1.

Williams has begun to train with the '94 crew.

Caspar W. Whitney, of Harper's Weekly was in town yesterday.

The fifth act of Torquato Tasso will be begun in German 4 tomorrow.

Tournaments in bowling and bottle-pool are being played at the B. A. A.


The University of Virginia ball team will be trained by Nash of the Bostons.

One hundred and fifteen men have signed the blue book for the junior dinner.

At a mass meeting at Princeton on Tuesday of those interested in sketching, it was voted to form a university sketch club. The club will study under a regular instructor.

At the Dartmouth Commencement two new trustees will be chosen by the Alumni.

Ten out of the fourteen intercollegiate records were made at the Berkeley Oval last May.

The Worcester Athletic Club will give handicap games on Thursday evening, March 10.

A team race between Exeter and Andover in the athletic tournament is being considered.

W. W. Caswell '95 has returned to college after a two month's illness with scarlet fever.

It is said that Dr. Wm. P. Anderson will be the director of the Yale gymnasium next fall.

The Y. M. C. A. of Yale expects to raise over $1,000 for intercollegiate and mission work this year.
