
The Teaching of Botany.

The large audience which, in spite of the inclement weather, attended the second lecture on the "Teaching of Botany" given by Professor Goodale in the Botany Lecture Room yesterday afternoon, shows the interest which is being taken in this course of lectures.

In his lecture yesterday, Professor Goodale spoke on the Illustrations of the Method, drawn from the phenomena of winter vegetation. One of the most profitable as well as one of the most interesting illustrations is found in buds; examining them with respect to their position on the stem and to their internal structure. Then the mechanical relations of branches, their position, and direction; the conditions and phenomena of germination as presented by seeds and seedlings; the examination of bulbs, corms, tubers, and cuttings are interesting subjects of study for the winter months.

Professor Goodale emphasized the fact that the object every careful teacher should constantly have in mind in his teaching is to awaken interest in the subject on the part of the pupil, and to encourage him to ask questions of himself. He will then naturally turn to nature for his answers.

At his lecture next week, Professor Goodale will exhibit some microscopic slides showing the circulation in plants.
