

DEUTSCHER VEREIN. - All men appointed on committees for March 21, will please meet Saturday at one p.m. in Thayer 20.

LOUIS A. E. AHLERS.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Important rehearsal Tuesday at 7.

HARVARD ROWING CLUB. - On account of the very low tides it has been impossible to put the float in, and the opening of the Boat House will therefore be delayed until further notice. The secretary will continue to keep the office hours already given in the CRIMSON.

SOPHOMORE THEATRICALS. - Important rehearsal at 2 p.m. sharp today. Choruses must come. Fines.

FRESHMAN CREW. - Cook and Grant, 2.00; Richardson and Cameron, 2.30; Davis and Purdon, 3.00; Whittren and Briggs, 3.30; Eddy, Stackpole, Ninde and Potter at 4 o'clock.


W. M. BRIGGS, Temp. Capt.
