It is gratifying to note the course which the Administrative Board has adopted in regarding to prolonged absences at the time of the holidays. Previous to this year there has been a good deal of uncertainty and misunderstanding about the question. There has always been a rule requiring continuous residence at the University, but just how far this rule would be actually enforced was largely a matter of guess-work to the students. The consequence was that men were often called to account for action which they did not positively know to be punishable. The present step which the Administrative Board has taken sets matters on a much more satisfactory basis. By informing the students beforehand just what the regulation is, and just how far they mean it to hold good, they have raised the standard of morality connected with the whole question of college obedience, and have taken the proper method to secure the co-operation of constant attendance with the work of the college. An ounce of prevention, it runs, is worth a pound of cure.
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The Ninety-One Nine.