
Fact and Rumor.

Holyoke 3 is 10 let.

The freshman crew has gone to the river.

Princeton will play the Boston nine on April 11.

The prize speakers at Dartmouth have been appointed.

Marston '93, has been elected captain of the Cornell crew.


The hour examination in History 9 will be held March 28th.

Dr. Tucker has definitely declined the presidency of Dartmouth College.

Social statics "Man versus State" by by Herbert Spencer, has appeared.

On and after March 21 the dinner hour at Memorial will be from 5.30 to 7.00 p.m.

A new social club has been formed at Columbia, to be known as the Columbia Club.

French 6 will begin reading Alfred de Musset's "On ne Badine pas avec Amour' today.

A theme of not less than 500 words is due in Mr. Marsh's section of Spanish today.

The Princeton glee, banjo and mandolin clubs will give a concert in New York on March 26.

The contractors expect to finish Welch Hall, the new Yale dormitory, by Commencement.

A quartette of the Glee Club will sing at the reception of the Deutscher Verein on March 21st.
