We publish in another column a communication from a prominent member of the senior class in reference to the recent conduct of two members of the senior crew. However strong the writer's language may be, it represents as best we know, the spirit of the class in regard to the matter. The point which needs most to be emphasized is the demoralizing example that has been set to the under classes. It is right and proper that, when men so far forget themselves as to break training publicly, the college or class, as the case may be, should assert its rights and demand that its representatives respect those laws which govern training. We regret deeply that any such action is called for, but as long as there is a high standard of honor to be kept up in college athletics just so long should we discourage and put down any tendency that seems to belittle the importance of such standards. We are sure that the captain of the senior crew, in taking this decided stand for a strict and faithful adherence to trust and duty, has the hearty support of the college.
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