HARVARD ROWING CLUB. - The Weld Boat House will be opened on or about March 21st. Men can join either at Thurston's by signing the Blue Book or at 3 Little's Block, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.30 to 10 and 11 30 to 12; Tuesday and Thursday 9.30 to 10. Membership tickets $5. Lockers $1 extra.
C. MORGAN, Sec.DR. SARGENT will examine contestants in the Winter Meetings on Thursday afternoon between two and four o'clock.
HARVARD TENNIS LEAGUE. - All tennis players who desire to be considered as candidates for either of the two tennis leagues will send their names to W. D. Orcutt, 32 Matthews, immediately.
COMMITTEE.H. A. A. - No member of the University can be admitted to the Winter Meetings unless he is a member of the H. A. A. Secretary's office hours, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11 to 12; or join at Thurston's.
R. B. BEALS, Sec.,
23 Weld.NEARLY all the senior class have sat for their photographs. Will the rest please sit at once.
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