
Alterations of a Foot Ball Rule.

The meeting of the Advisory-Committee of the Intercollegiate Foot Ball Association, which should have been held March 5, has been postponed until March 19. The committee consists of Walter Camp of Yale, John G. Bell of Pennsylvania; Frank D. Beatty of Wesleyan, and Duncan Edwards of Princeton. The principal business of the meeting will be the consideration of changes in the rules. One playing rule may be altered.

The present rule says that the ball may be punted out after a touch-down from behind the opponent's goal, a player may feint at catching it and really punt it back towards the goal line, and it may be stopped by the opposing side so near to their line that another touch down is absolutely certain.

If the opponent punts from behind the line a fair catch can be made and a goal dropped, so that the side making the touchdown is almost certain to score again if this rule is taken advantage of by a feint catch.
