

A large number attended the vesper service yesterday afternoon. The preacher, Rev. Henry Van Dyke, chose for the subject of his talk the story of the man possessed of devils. He said: Jesus cared not what became of the devils; He made the man whole and sent him home. This is simply a parable of Christ's whole work on earth, a work of restoration. This work of restoration should serve as three tests for us; (1) As the test of the true type of religion. True Christianity is humane, social and friendly, and the true church is the church most full of God, consequently nearest man. (2) As the test of our life work. (3) As the test of what Christ would make of us. The jewel that drops from its setting into the dust can not of itself return to its place, and unless returned must lie degraded; the violin that hangs on your wall can not when once out of tune give forth strains of harmony till you tune it again. This is what Christ would do for us all; will you not let Him bring your lives into perfect accord?

During the service the choir sang the following anthems: "I will Sing of Thy Power." - Sullivan. "Sing of Judgment," from Mendelssohn's "Lauda Zion." "My Soul is Athirst for God." - Gaw. Soloist, Mr. J. H. Ricketson, New York.
