
Lowell Memorial.

The Society of Authors held a meeting in London, Eng., last Tuesday to consider the question of erecting a monument to the memory of James Russell Lowell. Mr. Leslie Stevens, the originator of the plan, occupied the chair. The meeting was in the nature of a protest against the rudely expressed objections to placing more tributes to foreigners in Westminster Abbey. Among those present were Sir Frederick Pellock and Messrs. Stevens, Linton, Besant, Gosse, Sidney, Lee, Maccoll and Martineau.

Letters heartily approving the scheme were read from Prof. Bryce, M. P., author of the "American Commonwealth;" Justin McCarthy, M. P.; Prof. Andrew Lang; Mr. Blackmore, the novelist; Archdeacon Farrar, Prof. Huxley and other persons eminent in literature.

It was resolved that a monument to the memory of James Russell Lowell should be erected, and a committee was appointed to carry the intentions of the society into effect.
