Holyoke 15 and 30 are for rent.
The B. A. A. polo team is ahead in the league.
Woodcock will captain the Lehigh base ball team this year.
E. L. Treat '95, is very ill at his home in Indianapolis.
Cornell's first winter meeting will be held February 20th.
Steadman '92 has begun training for the senior crew.
There are about sixty men now in training for the Princeton Mott Haven Team.
A. A. Zimmerman, the champion cyclist, has been re-instated by the A. A. U.
Saville of Yale is entered in the half and mile runs at the B. A. A. meeting.
There are five candidates for pitcher on the Amherst nine, and three for catcher.
Eighty per cent of college editors adopt journalism as their profession.
$1250 has been received in response to the call for the Harvard Annex Fund.
P. J. Berlo of the M. A. C. has a pneumatic safety weighing only 18 1-2 pounds.
Copies of President Eliot's annual report may be obtained at the office.
The cups won in the hare and hound runs this fall may be obtained at Leavitt & Peirces.
There are now 16 candidates for the Cornell freshman crew; the average weight is 162 1-2 lbs.
It is probable that Columbia will enter a team for the junior cross-country championship.
There were 406 men exercising in the Gymnasium yesterday. 141 of these joined Dr. Sargent's class.
An observation of the approaching conjunction of Jupiter and Venus was taken from the Yale Observatory Friday night.
The Harvard Club of New York will give its annual dinner on Feb. 19. Cumnock and Perkins are expected to be present.
Prof. R. B. Richardson, instructor in Greek at Dartmouth, will be the Professor of Greek at the Chautauqua assembly next summer.
Mrs. Shaw of Pittsburg, Pa., has given $30,000 to the trustees of the Peabody Museum to found a chair of archaeology in memory of her husband.
G. L. Batchelder '92, ran a mile in 2.08 yesterday on the out-door board track, breaking the best previous record for this distance on that track.
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