
Glee Club Concert for the Progressive Union.

Enough has been said in urging the students to attend the concert to be given in Union Hall, Cambridgeport, for the benefit of the Progressive Union. The musical Clubs gladly give their services for nothing and a similar spirit of willingness will doubtless ensure a good representation from the college. The following programme, which is essentially that used on the trip, will be rendered this evening:


1. Glees:

(a) Rhine Wine Song, Mendellssohn

(b) Two Starlets,


(c) A Hundred Fathoms Deep, Arr. by A. W. Thayer. Solo by Mr. Bruegger.

(d) Simple Simon, Macy.

2. Apollinaris Polka, R. W. Atkinson '91. Banjo Club.

3. Glees:

(a) Dearest, Awake! Storch.

(b) Faint Heart Ne'er Won Fair Lady, R. T. Whitehouse '91. Solo by Mr. Whitehouse.

(c) Man in the Moon's Ball, Carpenter '88.

(d) The Hoodo, Words by L. F. Berry '92. Music by L. S. Thompson '92. Solo by Mr. Berry.

(c) Phantom Band, A. W. Thayer, Quartette and Club.

4. Serenade - Barcarolle, Monti. Arr. by Romero. Mandolin Club.


1. D. K. E. Waltz, L. S. Thompson '92. Banjo Club.

2. Quartette:

(a) Rosebud Fair, Macy.

(b) Boreen, P. L. Atherton '93.

Messrs. Dole, Berry, Farwell and Bruegger.

3. Glees:

(a) Serenade, Cunradi.

(b) Wing Tee Wee, P. L. Atherton '93.

(c) Holsteiner's Band, R. T. Whitehouse '91. Solo by Mr. Farwell.

4. Bella Mazourka, Arr. by Luis T. Romero. Mandolin Club.

5. (a) Johnny Harvard.

(b) Piper Heidsick. Mr. Dole and Glee Club.

(c) Versatile Baby, Lewis '88.

(d) Fair Harvard.
