There are about 400 entries for the B. A. A. games.
At Dartmouth class officers are elected every term.
A new literary society has been formed at Andover.
Chicago Baptist University will open with no less than half a million volumes in its library. - Ex.
The Univ. of Pa. has been invited to enter the Intercollegiate Lacrosse League and has accepted.
The banquet in honor of Walter Camp takes place in Madison Square Garden, New York, Feb. 26.
The new chemical laboratory at Princeton, just completed, is said to be the most convenient in the country.
The Chicago University will enroll over 800 students next year, and have a faculty of about fifty members.
The students of the college and seminary at Princeton have started a free reading room.
Williams, Dartmouth and Columbia have dispensed with commencement exercises. - Ex.
The repairing of the damage done by fire in Divinity Hall, at Yale, in October, has been completed at a cost of $15,000.
It is said that Shattuck, Amherst '92, will not run this year. He won the 440 yards at the Mott Haven games last year.
A world's conference on university extension has been called for at Chicago, to be entertained by the new Chicago University.
The Exeter Winter meetings will be held on the 16th and 19th of March this year. There will be seventeen events and there will be no tug of war this year.
Prof. William G. Hale who has been elected head of the Latin department at the University of Chicago graduated from Harvard in 1870 at the head of his class.
There are more graduates of Williams, in proportion to the number of members, on the board of officers of the new Boston University Club, than of either Yale or Harvard.
A sneak thief entered the unlocked door of 51 Grays Saturday evening, and carried away a number of articles of clothing, including several overcoats. He found no money or jewelry, and only took, besides wearing apparel, a clothes brush and a bunch of keys.
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