

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

The Episcopal City Mission of Boston has requested the students of Harvard College to support the singing at the Sunday evening services in the Columbia Theatre. The matter was put in charge of the leader of the Glee Club, who showed energy enough to put a notice in the CRIMSON and to attend two of the services; no other Glee Club man has been in once. Then, as the singers of the college would not take up the work, the Y. M. C. A. and the St. Paul's Society made an effort to help it along. The result has been that from a dozen to twenty fellows have gone in more or less regularly and have tried to lead the singing. The theatre, however, requires a chorus much larger than this to get a fair volume of sound and consequently the singing has several times been wretchedly weak.

These services undoubtedly do much good and singing is one of the principal attractions. The City Mission can look no where else for help, and I think it is a disgrace to the whole college, especially to the musical and religious societies that so little interest in them is shown. Any one who can sing at all can help - it is not necessary to be a Glee Club man. I trust that next Sunday enough men will get up the necessary interest and so far throw off the spirit of "Harvard indifference" as to make the service what it should be.

Very sincerely,* * *

