
Appleton Chapel.

Rev. Leighton Parks preached an instructive sermon last night in Appleton Chapel, from the text, "And he stood between the dead and the living," Numbers, XVI, 48.

Always there have been priests in the world and there always will be priests; wherever there is sin, there is need of a priest. Every human being who has revealed to anyone some of the beauty and power of life has acted as a priest. While no man can reveal everything he himself knows, much less can he reveal what is known to God. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Luthers, Calvin, Edwards, Channing, and Morris have written about Christ, and yet but little has been revealed about Jesus. How, then, shall we know the truth? Truth is life, - God's life, and the soul that partakes of the life of God, partakes of the truth of God Christ was was such a one: I am the truth and the life. Each one of us is a priest to some person or other, and there is constant need of men in the world to act as priests, to stand between the living and the dead. In political life and in business life this is the overwhelming need.

During the evening the choir sang three anthems: "Far from my Heavenly Home," by Vincent; "O Give Thanks," by Jackson, and "The Lord is My Shepherd," by Perceval.
