
Fact and Rumor.

Bowdoin will not have a crew this year.

Brown and Young will be the Princeton battery this year.

A new literary magazine is to be established at Andover.

There will be no Exeter-Andover Club Banquet this year at Yale.

The new University Eating Club will be started at Princeton about Feb. 11th.


Prof. Sears of Brown lectured in Auburndale Thursday evening.

There are 3292 students in the University of Munich.

The Colby University ball team is to be coached by Mains of the Cincinnatis.

Nine candidates for pitcher and six for catcher are still retained.

The N. E. A. A. A. U. has adopted some new laws for amateurs.

There are five candidates for pitcher and three for catcher at Amherst.

The Trimount A. C. defeated the Technology polo team last Thursday.

The University of Wisconsin has revised its entire course system.

The Yale 'varsity crew will race in the same shell they used last year. - Boston Globe.

Professor Adams will probably preside at the competitive debate of the Yale Union.
