

CANDIDATES for the '94 crew will row at 2.30 p. m. sharp today.

L. LORING.H. U. C. A. - There will be a meeting of the Association at 13 Wadsworth House, Wednesday March 2, at 7.30.

YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - The regular Sunday meeting will be held tomorrow at 6.30 o'clock p. m. All students are cordially invited.

WALTER C. DOUGLAS, JR.,Recording Sec.ANY student having magazines or periodicals which he is willing to contribute for the sick in the hospitals is requested to send his address to J. B. Lewis, 67 College House, and they will be called for. 2

HARVARD UNION. - All members of the Union and of the University at large who intend to be present at the Harvard-Yale joint debate at New Haven, March 25th, will please send postal immediately to 384 Broadway stating the number of reserved seat tickets which they desire.


FRED W. DALLINGER,Chairman Executive Com.
