
Y. M. C. A. Program for the Second Half-Year.

The following program for the Thursday meetings of the Y. M. C. A. has been arranged for the second half year:

February 25. - Rev. Edward Abbott, D. D.

March 3. - Rev, M. M. Cutter.

March 10. - Mr. E. K. Rand '94. The Resurrection. John 11:1-44.

March 17. - Professor M. H. Morgan.


March 24. - Mr. R. H. Kennedy '93. The Relation of College Men to Foreign Missions. Matt. 9: 35-38.

March 31. - Professor J. H. Wright.

April 7. - Mr. H. J. Hughes '94. The Christian Rest. Heb. iv: 1-16.

April 14. - Mr. Nariaki Kozaki, Gr. Div. Christianity in Japan. Acts 10.

April 21. - Mr. A. N. Broughton '93. The Northfield Conference. 2 Tim. 2: 1-15.

April 28. - Mr. Russell Sturgis.

May 5. - Mr. D. C. Green Jr. '95. "Ye are not your own; for ye were bought with a price." 1 Cor. 6: 19-20.

May 12. - Rev. Leighton Parks, D. D.

May 19. - Rev. Alexander McKenzie, D. D.

May 26. - Mr. W. L. Van Kleeck '95. The Fullgrown Man. Eph. 4: 1-16.

June 2. - Mr. H. H. Norton '92. Common Sense in Religion. Jas. 1:5, 19-20, 27.

June 9. - Professor J. P. Cooke.

June 16. - Mr. P. L. Horne '92. Farewell Meeting.
