
Fact and Rumor.

Lehigh has an Advisory Committee on Athletics.

The Yale 'varsity crew goes to the training table March 1.

The 'varsity crew goes to the training table next Monday.

Rogers, Yale '94S., is stroking the second University crew.

Tufts College has petitioned for chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.


The B. A. A. will give an open wrestling tournament in March.

The Pi Eta Club will give an assembly Feb. 20 at Brattle Hall.

The 'varsity glee club will sing in Concord next Monday evening.

The candidates for the Yale nine practised out of doors for the first time last week.

G. A. Wentworth, the well known mathematician, has resigned his position at Exeter.

The Crescent Athletic Club has resigned from the amateur athletic base ball league.

Stagg is to deliver a lecture at Amherst for the benefit of the Amherst foot ball association.

$1100 has been pledged to carry Dart-mouth's base ball team through the season.

The number of editors of the Yale News has been increased from fourteen to seventeen.

The first match for the amateur court tennis championship of America was won by R. D. Sears.

The Psi Upsilon fraternity is about to erect the first chapter house ever built at Brown University.

Thomas A. Edison has presented two large electric motors to the electrical department of Johns Hopkins.

A new four-year course in electrical engineering has been established at the Columbia School of Mines.

The thirteenth annual games of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will be held in Boston on March 12.

It is said three-quarters of the national colleges established during the last twenty years, have been in southern states.

Next Friday the Dartmouth Alumni Association of Massachusetts will hold its annual banquet in Worcester.

A new club, known as the Colonial Club, has recently been formed by a number of juniors and sophomores at Princeton.

Col. Albert A. Pope of the Pope Manufacturing Company offers $10,000 worth of bicycles as prizes for the young men who write the best essays of any phase of the subject "Good Roads."
