
Crew Notes.

During the last few days several changes have been made in the 'varsity crew. Winthrop of the '90 crew has begun rowing. At present he is rowing on the second crew where he can get more attention from the coach. His work shows plainly that he is an old hand at it. Ninde and Slade are at work in the pair-oar on the river. Waters has been placed on the first crew. His work is still pretty crude but he improves. Acton is at work again. He recovered sooner than was feared at the time he was taken ill. Altogether he lost nearly two weeks which shows seriously in his rowing. However, he is doing as well as could be expected of a new man. At present there is a prospect of going to work on the river very soon. Nothing prevents this except the weather. Now the order of the men is as follows:


Stroke, Weed '92.

7, Kelton '93.

6, Cummings '93.


5, Rantoul '92.

4, Acton, M. S.

3, Waters '94.

2, Newell '94.

Bow, Bond '94.


Stroke, Williams '94.

7, Saltonstall '94.

6, Winthrop L. S.

5, Grant '95.
