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In the last issue of the CRIMSON was published a notice of the junior class dinner. The junior dinner is always a great event in the life of a class, and in fact it is practically its first event as a class since it was brought together at the beginning of its freshman year for organization. It is the first time that the class as a whole meets for anything like social purposes. Every man in a class has a certain extent of class feeling, he is loyal to his class teams and is proud of any credit that may come to the class. But yet there are very few who really know their class, know what kind of men belong to it, and know why they are proud of it. The junior dinner is the occasion when the member of the class begins to know each other. Before the dinner, class feeling is a name; after the dinner, it is a reality.

The junior dinners of the previous classes have done great deal towards creating more of this live class feeling. They have been successful from this as well as from a social point of view. The time has come for Ninety-three to make her dinner a success and to lay a great foundation of genuine class feeling.

Men in the class may ask. Who is going to the dinner? Is it my set? The answer lies entirely with themselves. If "their set" does not go the dinner, it is their own fault. The dinner is not meant for this set or that, but for the whole class regardless of whatever sets there may be. Every junior who can afford the the moderate price of the dinner and to whom his class, present or future, means anything at all, should not hesitate to go to the dinner. There he will find himself in the right set, the set of the whole class of Ninety-three.
