The following named members of the senior class of the Scientific School of Yale University have been appointed to prepare theses for the graduating exercises in June:
Francis Mulfiken Adams, New Haven, Conn.; Fred Murray Ayers, Indianapolis; Bertram Borden Bottwood, Castleton, N. Y.; Sherman Hoyt Bouton, Chicago; Waldo Clayton Briggs, New Haven; William Henry Philips-Bronson. Rye, N. Y.; Otis Gridley Bunnell, Burlington, Conn.; Walter Lord Caldwell. Ongar, Essex, England; Walter Ellsworth Coe, Meriden, Conn.; Wesley Roswell Coe, Middlefield, Conn.; Claude Gignoux, Montoe, N. Y.; George Arthur Gordon, Savannah, Ga.; David Cullen Griggs, Waterbury, Conn.; Herbert William Hamlin, Chicago; John Henry Hammond, Jr., St. Paul; Josiah Harman, Philadelphia; Samuel Atkinson Hoesh, Denver; Norman Dwight Harris, Chicago; Thomas Simmons Homans, Springfield, Mass.; Henry Dwight Hunt, Columbia, Conn.; Gustave Erwin Huttlemaier, Knoxville, Tenn.
Theodore Caldwell Janeway, New York City; Henry Edgar Lane, Killingworth, Conn.; Charles Wilson Menels, New Haven; Theophilus Nelson, Bridgeport, Conn.; Montague Elias Perkins, Bristol, Conn., John Keeler Punderford, New Haven; George Wolf Reily, Jr., Harrisburg, Penn.; Paul Sterling, Bridgeport, Conn.; James Graham Stokes, New York City; Worthington Smith Telford, St. Albans, Vt.; Isaac Biddle Thomas, West Chester, Penn.; Percy Talbot Walden, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Alfred Pelton Wheeler, Meriden, Conn.; Charles Mallory Williams, Brooklyn, N. Y.; William Bassett Woodward, Denver, and Clarence Clark Zantzinger, Philadelphia.
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St. John's Memorial Chapel.