
Sheffield Scientific School Appointments.

The following named members of the senior class of the Scientific School of Yale University have been appointed to prepare theses for the graduating exercises in June:

Francis Mulfiken Adams, New Haven, Conn.; Fred Murray Ayers, Indianapolis; Bertram Borden Bottwood, Castleton, N. Y.; Sherman Hoyt Bouton, Chicago; Waldo Clayton Briggs, New Haven; William Henry Philips-Bronson. Rye, N. Y.; Otis Gridley Bunnell, Burlington, Conn.; Walter Lord Caldwell. Ongar, Essex, England; Walter Ellsworth Coe, Meriden, Conn.; Wesley Roswell Coe, Middlefield, Conn.; Claude Gignoux, Montoe, N. Y.; George Arthur Gordon, Savannah, Ga.; David Cullen Griggs, Waterbury, Conn.; Herbert William Hamlin, Chicago; John Henry Hammond, Jr., St. Paul; Josiah Harman, Philadelphia; Samuel Atkinson Hoesh, Denver; Norman Dwight Harris, Chicago; Thomas Simmons Homans, Springfield, Mass.; Henry Dwight Hunt, Columbia, Conn.; Gustave Erwin Huttlemaier, Knoxville, Tenn.

Theodore Caldwell Janeway, New York City; Henry Edgar Lane, Killingworth, Conn.; Charles Wilson Menels, New Haven; Theophilus Nelson, Bridgeport, Conn.; Montague Elias Perkins, Bristol, Conn., John Keeler Punderford, New Haven; George Wolf Reily, Jr., Harrisburg, Penn.; Paul Sterling, Bridgeport, Conn.; James Graham Stokes, New York City; Worthington Smith Telford, St. Albans, Vt.; Isaac Biddle Thomas, West Chester, Penn.; Percy Talbot Walden, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Alfred Pelton Wheeler, Meriden, Conn.; Charles Mallory Williams, Brooklyn, N. Y.; William Bassett Woodward, Denver, and Clarence Clark Zantzinger, Philadelphia.
