At the semi-annual meeting of the St. Paul's Society, held last evening, the society voted to re-elect the officers who have served during the past term. This was considered advisable as showing the appreciation of the society of the work done by its officers and in hopes that under their supervision the improvement, which has been very noticeable, may continue. The officers are: President, F. L. Whittemore '92; vice-president, A. H. Woods '92; secretary, H. Saville '93; treasurer, T. A. Jaggar '93; chorister, S. F. Batchelder '93; librarian, H. C. Smith '93; executive committee, Eliot White '92, president; Tracy Hoppin '93, vice-president; F. B. White '94 secretary. F. W. Bartlett, '95 was elected to the committee.
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