
Fact and Rumor.

There are 29 candidates for the Cornell nine.

A new picture of Rev. John Smith is to be put up in Memorial.

The senior class at Andover numbers ninety-five.

The question of co-education at Brown University is being agitated.

The freshman nine will begin sliding today.


Princeton will play the University of Pennsylvania on April 27 at Princeton, and on May 14 at Philadelphia.

Marks in French 3 will be given out next week.

R. L. Whitman has been appointed leader of the '95 glee club.

There are thirteen candidates for the Yale tug-of-war team.

The Princeton University Club will furnish board at $4 a week.

The tropical championship tournament will be held at St. Augusine on March 23.

Marks in Chemistry 1 and Geol. 4 will be out Friday and Greek 3 will be announced next Tuesday.

The Columbia College Dramatic Club netted $510 from its three entertainments for the silver service fund.

Seven members of last year's crew of the University of Pennsylvania have refused to row again this year.

Columbia's freshman crew desires to row the Yale and Harvard freshman crews at New London. - Yale News.
