

THE Harvard Union will meet on Friday evening, Feb. 19, not on Thursday as announced in the calendar.

JAMES F. MORTON, JR.,President.FRENCH 1A. - For Tuesday: La Fontaine, Fable 13 to be committed to memory; About, Les Marriages de Paris, first 10 pages.

FRENCH 6. - Boileau, L'Art Poetique, will be begun on Monday. Next theme is due on Friday, 19th Feb.

MANY seniors are now practically through with their mid-year examinations. We urge all such to sit at Pach's at once.



'92 PHOTO COMM.ENGLISH A. - Members of the class who wish to change their third-hour sections will please send me before February 10th a written application stating the hour at which they have come, and the hour at which they wish to come. There are sections on Wednesday at 10 11 and 12 and on Thursday at 10 and 11.


H. B. LATHROP.THE volunteer courses in vocal training and vocal expression will resume work Tuesday at the same hours as last term. Tuesdays 9-10 and 3.30. Thursdays 3.30. Those desiring special hours for individual lessons will please call at Holden Tuesday from 11 to 3.30. Those wishing a course in class, at 4.30.

